Intranet Layout

This is the graph of an intranet. The edge length adjustment in the last line is an attempt to improve the placement of two nodes that otherwise wind up too close. Notice the way of using subgraphs to create a fully-connected subgraph between the nodes IHP, IW, IH1, IH2, and IH4.

[Input .gv File] [SVG] [Raster Image]
strict graph ip_map {
	node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"]
	edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"]
	MH -- { ERC ALC WH1 HO1 IH1 };
	ALC -- MV -- AN;
	MV -- HO3 -- WH1;
	HO3 -- MT;
	MT -- LZ -- FL;
	MT -- FJ;
	MT -- ER;
	HO1 -- HR;
	MT -- DR;
	HO1 -- CB -- IH1 -- IHC;
	HO1 -- HV;
	{IHP IW IH1 IH2 IH4 } -- {IHP IW IH1 IH2 IH4 };
	{IH4 IH2} -- {MLM HV};
	HO1 -- HO3;
	HO3 -- IH1;
	IH2 -- IH4 [len=4];	// hack

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Last modified May 10, 2021: Move gallery to Docsy (164fb41)